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Service Description: Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter: mean amplitude of radiometrically terrain-corrected gamma-0 backscatter (AMP) values for September/October/November in HH polarization. Pixel values in source rasters are stored as digital numbers (DN). Processing templates are included with the service to provide the power and dB values along with the original DN values. The power value is calculated using the formula DN ^ 2 / 199526231, and the dB value is calculated using the formula 20 x log10(DN) - 83.
The source rasters referenced in this service are available on the Registry of Open Data on AWS:
Name: GSSICB/GSSICB_Mean_HH_Backscatter_Sep_Oct_Nov
Description: Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter: mean amplitude of radiometrically terrain-corrected gamma-0 backscatter (AMP) values for September/October/November in HH polarization. Pixel values in source rasters are stored as digital numbers (DN). Processing templates are included with the service to provide the power and dB values along with the original DN values. The power value is calculated using the formula DN ^ 2 / 199526231, and the dB value is calculated using the formula 20 x log10(DN) - 83.
The source rasters referenced in this service are available on the Registry of Open Data on AWS:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
XMin: -1.80337575085E7
YMin: -1.4927403056500003E7
XMax: 1.99264424915E7
YMax: 1.6967796943499997E7
Spatial Reference: 102100
Initial Extent:
XMin: -1.80337575085E7
YMin: -1.4927403056500003E7
XMax: 1.99264424915E7
YMax: 1.6967796943499997E7
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: -1.80337575085E7
YMin: -1.4927403056500003E7
XMax: 1.99264424915E7
YMax: 1.6967796943499997E7
Spatial Reference: 102100
Pixel Size X: 10.0
Pixel Size Y: 10.0
Band Count: 1
Pixel Type: U16
RasterFunction Infos: {"rasterFunctionInfos": [
"name": "GSSICB_Amplitude_dB_2SD",
"description": "Calculates gamma-0 dB from the backscatter DN values of the Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter datatset. A 2 Standard Deviation stretch is applied.",
"help": ""
"name": "GSSICB_Amplitude_Power",
"description": "Calculates gamma-0 power from the backscatter DN values of the Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter datatset. ",
"help": ""
"name": "GSSICB_Amplitude_dB",
"description": "Calculates gamma-0 dB from the backscatter DN values of the Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter datatset. ",
"help": ""
"name": "GSSICB_Amplitude_dB_MinMax",
"description": "Calculates gamma-0 dB from the backscatter DN values of the Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter datatset. A Min-Max stretch is applied.",
"help": ""
"name": "GSSICB_Amplitude_Power_2SD",
"description": "Calculates gamma-0 power from the backscatter DN values of the Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter datatset. A 2 Standard Deviation stretch is applied.",
"help": ""
"name": "None",
"description": "Make a Raster or Raster Dataset into a Function Raster Dataset.",
"help": ""
Mensuration Capabilities: Basic
Inspection Capabilities:
Has Histograms: false
Has Colormap: false
Has Multi Dimensions : false
Rendering Rule:
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Resampling: false
Copyright Text: Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter Data Set was accessed on 11 November 2022 from
Service Data Type: esriImageServiceDataTypeGeneric
Min Values: N/A
Max Values: N/A
Mean Values: N/A
Standard Deviation Values: N/A
Object ID Field: OBJECTID
type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID
type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 200
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: MinPS
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: MaxPS
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: LowPS
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: HighPS
type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Category
, Coded Values:
[0: Unknown]
, [1: Primary]
, [2: Overview]
, ...6 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Tag, length: 100
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: GroupName, length: 100
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: CenterX
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: CenterY
type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: ZOrder
type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: StartDate, length: 8
type: esriFieldTypeDate, alias: EndDate, length: 8
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: ProductType, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Season, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Polarization, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Tile, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: DownloadURL, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: URLDisplay, length: 255
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Dataset_ID, length: 50
Default Mosaic Method: ByAttribute
Allowed Mosaic Methods: ByAttribute,Center,NorthWest,Nadir,LockRaster,Seamline,None
SortField: StartDate
SortValue: 1/1/2050 12:00:00 AM
Mosaic Operator: First
Default Compression Quality: 80
Default Resampling Method: Nearest
Max Record Count: 2000
Max Image Height: 5000
Max Image Width: 5000
Max Download Image Count: 50
Max Mosaic Image Count: 100
Allow Raster Function: true
Allow Copy: true
Allow Analysis: true
Allow Compute TiePoints: false
Supports Statistics: true
Supports Advanced Queries: true
Use StandardizedQueries: true
Raster Type Infos:
Name: Raster Dataset
Description: Supports all ArcGIS Raster Datasets
Has Raster Attribute Table: false
Edit Fields Info: null
Ownership Based AccessControl For Rasters: null
Child Resources:
Key Properties
Raster Function Infos
Supported Operations:
Export Image
Compute Histograms
Compute Statistics Histograms
Get Samples
Compute Class Statistics
Query GPS Info
Find Images
Image to Map
Map to Image
Measure from Image
Image to Map Multiray
Query Boundary
Compute Pixel Location
Compute Angles