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snippet: Global Winter (December/January/February) mean backscatter amplitude (AMP) values in VV polarization from the Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter Data Set.
summary: Global Winter (December/January/February) mean backscatter amplitude (AMP) values in VV polarization from the Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter Data Set.
accessInformation: Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter Data Set was accessed on 11 November 2022 from
maxScale: 9244648.868618
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS Server","Data","Image Service","Service"]
description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><P><SPAN>Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter: mean amplitude of radiometrically terrain-corrected gamma-0 backscatter (AMP) values for December/January/February in VV polarization. Pixel values in source rasters are stored as digital numbers (DN). Processing templates are included with the service to provide the power and dB values along with the original DN values. The power value is calculated using the formula DN ^ 2 / 199526231, and the dB value is calculated using the formula 20 x log10(DN) - 83.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The source rasters referenced in this service are available on the Registry of Open Data on AWS: </SPAN><A href="" target="_blank" STYLE="text-decoration:underline;"><SPAN></SPAN></A></P></DIV>
title: GSSICB_Mean_VV_Backscatter_Dec_Jan_Feb
type: Image Service
tags: ["ASF","Alaska Satellite Facility","Synthetic Aperture Radar","SAR","Sentinel-1","Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence and Backscatter","Backscatter","Amplitude","RTC","Radiometric Terrain Correction"]
culture: en-US
name: GSSICB_Mean_VV_Backscatter_Dec_Jan_Feb
minScale: 2.95828763795777E8
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere